Face blackened, ‘thief’ inscribed, three sisters & mother paraded in Ludhiana streets
Ludhiana, Jan 22 (IANS) In a distressing incident in Punjab, a garment manufacturing unit owner in this industrial city has allegedly humiliated three sisters, their mother and a youth, blackened their faces with ink, and paraded each with a placard hanging around their necks that read “I am a thief”.
They were accused of stealing garments. The incident took place in Ludhiana’s Ekjot Nagar area. They were reportedly beaten, had their faces forcibly blackened, and had the words “I am a thief, I admit my guilt” written on the placards. They were then paraded in the area, according to police reports.They were teased by passersby, as some of them recorded the incident on the camera of their mobile phones. One of the victims was a young woman whose marriage is scheduled soon.Following a publi...